With gyms still shut at many places and the scare of Covid-19 looming large, it could be months before we actually start exercising in public again. Your home is still the safest place and making it multi-functional to suit your various needs is the best way forward. Don’t let the pandemic be an excuse to not get your daily dose of exercise. We share tips to help you create a workout zone at home with ease.
Find the Perfect Spot
With limited space available for a workout at home, get creative to use it well. Here are some spots you can convert into your workout zone.
1. Head to the Balcony
If you have a decently-sized balcony at home, you have the ideal workout area with an added bonus of fresh air. If you are worried about nosy neighbors peeping in, add a foldable screen to create a more private zone. Even if your balcony isn’t big, place an exercise mat and practice breathing exercises and workouts that don’t require too much movement.

2. Utilize Connecting Spaces
Don’t let the corridor and foyer space go waste, use them for quick workout sessions like jogging on the spot, push-ups, or even pull-ups by installing a rod between the walls.

3. Your Bedroom
We know small apartments can mean tiny bedrooms packed with essentials like a bed, wardrobe and now even a home office, barely leaving any space for movement. But if you can find a spot here, preferably next to a window, you can have your very own private exercise zone. You can even consider doing few exercises on the bed like certain yoga stretches, deep breaths and even meditation.

4. Convert Your Living Room
By moving the furniture around, for instance, the centre table, you can create ample space in the living room for a workout. Place a mat or simply put on your shoes and get moving.
Tip: Time your workouts so that you don’t disturb other family members especially when you plan to exercise in common spaces like the living room or corridor. Utilise the connecting space when there is less movement here—like early morning, during their afternoon naps, or late at night. The best way to ensure that your workout doesn’t hinder with other family members’ schedule, is to find a common exercise time, and work out together, making it a fun way to burn calories.

Create the Right Ambience
The amount of time we are spending indoors these days can often lead to a feeling of melancholy and seeing the same setting day in-day out doesn’t help. Here’s how you can spruce things up.
1. Design a Meditation Nook
To meditate, a perfect, calming ambience is vital to set the mood right. In order to do so, pick a quiet spot, preferably in your bedroom so that no one barges in and breaks your zen mode. Now, place a comfortable rug here, add an oil or reed diffuser, and other trinkets like a prayer bowl, beads and cushions. Make it look bohemian with a pop of colours that soothe your senses.

2. Get that Adrenaline Rush
Remember how gyms pump you up to exercise with the right setting? Replicate that in your home by adding certain elements that make you want to work out. For instance, frame some inspirational quotes like ‘no pain no gain’ or ‘exercise is my therapy’ to stay motivated. Put up your fitness goals on your wall so that you read them every day. And, in terms of decor, place your workout gear like the mat, dumbbells, etc in a place where you can see them often so you are compelled to use them regularly.

3. Keep it Airy
Exercise sessions can be intense and instead of locking yourself in an air-conditioned room, it is better to open the windows and let fresh air come in and cool you as you sweat it out. Many studies suggest exercising in room temperature without switching on the AC for better results. Once done, let there be cross-ventilation to air out the room completely. Use a room freshener if required to get rid of the musty smell.

Invest in Workout Accessories
While exercise can be done without really the need of equipment, a few basic ones can help you stay fit and motivated in the long run. Here are some of them you can invest in.
1. Fitness Tracker
Track your steps, calories, heart rate, and overall progress by wearing a fitness tracker on your wrist. Many of these also sync in with your smartphone and allow community sharing that lets you compete with others to stay motivated.

2. Exercise Mat
A workout mat is a must-have accessory for any kind of exercise. Being multipurpose, you can use it for yoga, floor Pilates, stretching exercises, meditation, and even cardio and body weight workouts.

3. Shoes
While all workouts may not require you to wear footwear, the ones that do, should be done wearing them or else they can put strain on your joints. Invest in a basic but comfortable pair of shoes that you only wear indoors for your workouts.

Keep Yourself Motivated
In these trying times, it is often easy to slip up and lose hope. But it is also essential to keep going on the right path and stay healthy and fit for your body and mind. Here’s what you can do.
1. Set a Workout Routine
Just like you have a work schedule, keep 30-60 minutes in a day for your exercise routine. Pick a slot that is best-suited for you so that you don’t skip it, like early morning before office or late evening post work.

2. Get an Exercise Buddy
Find a like-minded friend, colleague or family member who can exercise with you even if it is remotely or helps you stay motivated by working out regularly. Share your workout plans with them to stay focused and not skip a session.

3. Try Online Classes
Working out alone may not always be fun and if you are missing that push from your gym trainer, get the same from a virtual exercise class. Learn the right form, try different workout styles, and also push yourself to the next level by exercising under a professional’s guidance. You can even stream the class in your living room’s smart TV and make your entire family exercise together every Sunday.

We hope these tips come in handy and help you create an ideal workout zone to continue your sweat sessions in-house.